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Methods to drive Facebook traffic to your website

how to get free facebook traffic

Learn the right methods to drive traffic from Facebook

Have you got a Facebook account and a website? Getting traffic from Facebook is technique that is essential to your blog or website. We are talking about free traffic here. Having a website is about achieving set goals and those goals can only be accomplished by people visiting your website. Regardless of the quality of your write-up, without readers, your efforts will not succeed as a marketer and eventually can only produce pain.

Facebook offers incredible opportunities to harness and increase the engagement and readership of your website. I am going to be sharing some simple but effective tactics and techniques that you could use to pull Facebook users directly to your website without spending a dime.

Below are some creative, successful and effective methods of driving Facebook traffic to your blog or website.

Unleash a ѕtеаdу ѕtrеаm оf useful frеѕh соntеnt оn уоur wеbѕіtе.

Posting funny pictures, cat videos, and links to news and educational articles are great ways to delight fans, but they do not drive traffic to your website on their own. How can you post about your favourite photographs, videos, and news stories all the time when there’s only so much to see on Facebook and they disappear after a few hours, especially when you have many friends doing the same thing?

Blogging about what you share on Facebook is the proper solution. At the very least, you’ll agree that it’s simple to create 300 words of blog material from one photograph. A consistent stream of fresh content gives you something to promote on Facebook, gives your followers something interesting to read, and keeps them coming back for more. However, by just identifying your best friends, you may ensure that the stuff you share is not lost. Ask them to tag their friends, and then ask their own friends to do the same.

Oрtіmіse your posts for shares.

You do not have to do all the heavy lifting! Make it easy for others to share your blog on Facebook by regularly updating it with new content. Including social sharing buttons provides a one-step way for people to send your content – with a link to your website – to their own Facebook timeline.

Use large images 

Research has shown that using bigger or large images on your Facebook posts gets more engagement because of human connection to visuals. These types of images trigger curiosity thus creating engagement for your post which often results in shares, comments, likes and click-throughs. A good amount of comments, shares and likes also create an opportunity for further engagement from friends of friends.

If you decide to create posts directly on Facebook, then, make use of tools like to shorten your website’s url and include it on your Facebook posts. You will want to know how well you are doing by using the analytics tools Facebook provides to learn about your user’s engagement levels. Now that you know what is happening on Facebook, reconfirm the insights by going through your Google Analytics for further details.

Oрtіmіze yоur Fасеbооk pаgе fоr wеbѕіtе сlісkѕ.

First and foremost, people cannot click over to your website if they cannot find the link – so put it everywhere that makes sense.

For еxаmрlе: Yоur “About” tаb.

  1. Your goal is to engage. Phоtо аnd vіdео are assets when it comes to Facebook engagement. You could also use a Vine video to highlight the reasons behind your posts. It’s all about creativity. Embed the video on your timeline and tag your best friends and family members in the video. Do not be afraid or shy about asking them to share.
  2. Time, for example. If you have a message for “Moved to [nеw аddrеѕѕ]”, including a link to the page of your website that relates to your practice.
  3. Consider adding a call-to-action button to your profile as well. The call-to-action button is a handy feature that appears at the top of your Facebook Page, next to the Like button. When visitors click the button, they are transported to the web page of your choice, such as a contact form or an email sign-up page. This call to action is most effective when you have something substantial to offer your clients. This might include a well-written white paper that is publicly available for download, as well as a hilarious movie uploaded on your website.

Crаft compelling tеxt.

The text you include with your link may either win or lose the click. You should describe the content in enough detail to give readers a reason to leave Facebook in favour of clicking on your website without sounding spammy.

Sоmе bеѕt рrасtісеѕ:

Ask Questions

I hope you agree that asking questions helps you find answers. Engage your audience and friends by asking interesting and informative questions. Make your queries engaging, but keep them short and to the point. Because you want to enhance your blog readership, your queries should be relevant to one or more of your entries. Good questions spark curiosity, engagement, interest, and sharing.

Write How-to blog posts

According to Econsultancy and Adobe research, social network fans dislike being pushed to buy. They use social media to interact with their friends and family members, as well as to stay up to date on what their peers are talking about. As a result, if you work in marketing, you must be smart and innovative. The obvious way is to take some time off and write a mind-blowing essay that can improve your life or understanding.

Thus, offering ideas and how-tos is the ideal way to build brand equity and awareness. Once your audience is engaged with your material, they will return to your site even if there is no fresh content available. Once your piece has been published on your website, share it on Facebook and include a thought-provoking comment.

Content curation

Curating other people’s work and offering an analytical summary is a great way to promote and generate traffic to your website. That is what social media is all about: “knowledge and information sharing.” Be sociable! So share stuff from thought leaders, reputable websites, and your friends and followers. These are usually relevant to the sector in which you work or to the content of your blog. You may receive reciprocation in exchange for previously shared content, but the main thing about curating content is that your audience will undoubtedly appreciate your work if it is valuable.

Use Facebook marketing suit

The simplest way to get your Facebook posts in front of your desired audience is to invest some money in Facebook marketing. Facebook has evolved into a powerful and economical marketing platform. Facebook offers numerous options for segmenting and targeting ads to reach a wider audience without limiting reach to current friends.

You can target your ads to specific demographics, such as local pet owners who don’t already like your page, users with credit card spending power, individuals from the USA, people from the UK based in London, and even people who like your competitors. There is a lot to do here.

If you’re fresh to Facebook’s marketing arsenal, you’ll only need patience. You may start advertising for as little as $5 and there are several reports and metrics to show you what kind of return on investment you’re getting. If it is not operating as expected, perform split and multivariate testing.

Using Facebook to drive visitors to your website is not difficult, and it may be an effective part of your overall marketing strategy. Having a barbecue on your front lawn is a great way to draw people in and let them get to know you.


Don’t under estimate Facebook. It is a powerful platform that has evidence on serious ROI. Go foe it.

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