What is content curation

Good content curation methods are usually not easy to come by. Content curation refers to the gathering of information related to a particular area or topic of interest. People who gather this information are called content Curators. Most businesses and individuals benefit from content curation methods as it groups enough information in a single place. Unlike the museum curators, content curators compile original information in the form of commentaries. Individual companies can also curate original content basing on their information. Here is a good content curation guide for you. Content marketing works hand-in-hand with SEO services and it is one of the best methods when creating viral content used by SEO companies and consultants.

You can carry out content curation either automatically, manually or through a combination of both manual and automatic methods. Manual curation is made by specialized curators while automatic curation follows three methods. These include;

  • Social rating,
  • Collaborative filtering, and
  • Semantic analysis

Content Curation Methods

Social Rating

With this approach, the curators adopt recommendations and user ratings of content. The system identifies people whose interests are similar to the end user and make recommendations basing on the activities of the selected people. Most social sites such as Flipboard and Facebook use social rating by providing information basing on user’s likes, favorite pages, and recommendations.

The social ranking method considers the parameters such as page likes and shares. This reason explains why when you like a particular page on Facebook, you get other suggestions of groups dealing with the same topic. Other sites like Pinterest allow users to share and discuss the curated content

Collaborative Filtering

This method works on the belief that the selections a user makes now, predicts his future selections. It’s a process where the system forecasts the user’s behavior basing on past choices or selection. In most cases, collaborative filtering depends on the views of a particular social group or their votes on a certain topic. Most modern trends use the collaborative filtering method of content curation.

Businesswise, this curation method helps entrepreneurs to predict the overall target consumer pattern. They also determine the kind of content to suggest for these target groups basing on previous selections. This method explains how sites such as YouTube, Reddit, Amazon, and Digg operate.

Semantic Collaboration

Semantic curation works on the policy of factor analysis whereby relationships between various content is studied. The method examines how different elements relate to the source of information found in a given document. In this case, the system picks up and analyses all the topics and terms in a given source of information.

Sites such as StumbleUpon use this method of breaking down the content as per the topic, subtopic, and particular category. You can get all information you want by following the prompts on this site. Other sites combine semantic analysis, the AI technology, and user feedback to make refined content selections.

Content Curation Ideas

It’s imperative to apply various curation techniques to realise maximum results from content curation. Here are the top suggestions for maximising on curated content.

Social Media Sharing

Share a link to your favourite social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. You need to provide a link that best explains what your content is all about. This form of curation attracts many users to your website through the link provided on the social site.

Creating Original Content

It’s possible to create fresh content by commenting on third-party content. A good example of this form of curated content is commenting on a major favorite site and linking the comment to your site. This approach performs better especially when you use a compelling title that attracts many readers. Once you grab the attention of many people, you are sure of increasing traffic on your site via the link provided in the commentary.

Expert Contribution

You can request experts’ opinion or answer a specific question. The experts will provide answers in the form of original content. Most curators use this method because of the originality of the content. The experts provide informative answers which make your site authoritative and dependable.

Using Aggregate Created Lists

This type of curation is essential for attracting social media shares. However, you must write the files in an informative and entertaining pattern. The curator must get the information from various authentic sources before coming up with a comprehensive list. He can also add more useful information and categorise it accordingly. Writing an easy-to-read and comprehend content attracts many shares, thereby increasing traffic and even converting clicks into sales.

Collaborating to Create Social Content

In this method, the curator is in charge of the content and its presentation to the readers. This type of content is generated by users and is more informative to the end-user. The curator retains the right of making the content better to meet the requirements of the users. You can request your audience to provide original material to your content. Yours is to add a commentary and an appropriate title to the content. This method allows you to collaborate with customers, prospects, social media followers and other relevant influencers to create a quality original content.

Create the Top Lists

Many people like reading information ranking various things or categories. Lists help consumers to compare the available options before making a final decision.

You can create the lists ranking the best people or companies and share them through your social media handles. The people on the top lists will spread the word about your work. Additionally, your site will receive many visitors looking for the best services. This method is golden because many people love to be ranked among the best.

Parting Shot

It’s advisable to publish various forms of curated content to enhance the participation of the audience. A good curator makes original content that is relevant and helpful to the public. Mixing different forms of curated content helps provide relevant content to your audience.