
reasons why your business needs an seo expert
Posted On February 17, 2017 / By / Posted in Search engine optimization

Reasons why you need SEO experts

SEO experts are specialists in their own rights. These are people with mastery of search engine optimization with a vast amount of knowledge that delivers results and frees you from stress and...

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Reasons why you need to use Google search console
Posted On January 7, 2017 / By / Posted in Google Webmasters Tools

Importance of Google Search Console

Google search console is a powerful tool for both technical SEO and online marketing. The advantages are many and include identifying how well your website is doing in the search results, how...

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Posted On April 17, 2014 / By / Posted in Search engine optimization

Is Search Engine Submission Necessary?

Should you submit your website to search engines? The simple answer is no – search engine submission isn’t necessary. The majority of search engines nowadays (most notably Google) crawl and index pages by following...

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Posted On / By / Posted in Content Marketing

Can Any Inbound Linking Hurt My Ranking?

Can Inbound Linking Hurt My Rankings? The answer is  a simple, “no” – inbound linking cannot hurt your search ranking. How is this known for certain? Well, for one, if inbound were...

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Posted On / By / Posted in Analysis

The Importance of Anchor Text in Back-links

The importance of anchor text with respect to a linking strategy cannot be overstated. Back-links are a huge part of the search engine algorithm. When initiating a linking campaign, it is vital that external...

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Posted On / By / Posted in Link Building

Absolute Links vs. Relative Links – SEO Value

The debate between absolute links and relative links continues to live on in the SEO world. The individual significance of each has been contested, but it is widely regarded that absolute links provide better...

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Posted On / By / Posted in Local SEO

Incorporation of Company Branding and SEO

SEO is not an exact science. This becomes apparent when trying to incorporate both SEO and branding into a strategy. This process is finicky to say the least. On the one side, SEO deals...

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Strategic Use of Images in Search Engine Optimisation
Posted On / By / Posted in Local SEO

Strategic Use of Images in Search Engine Optimisation

The relation between visuals and search engine optimisation When it comes to optimizing your website for search engines, every little detail counts. And one strategy that is often overlooked is the use...

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Posted On / By / Posted in Google

Google now discounts all reciprocal links

For a long time, reciprocal links have remained at the forefront of most inbound linking strategies. This is going to have to change. Google now discounts all reciprocal links. The algorithm has been altered...

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